Juniper Innovations review specialist lone worker devices

Employers have a duty of care to ensure their employees are safe from harm and are supported when working alone and away from their employer’s place of work.  To help meet the obligations Juniper Innovations have reviewed a state of the art, portable lone worker device called the Mambo.

The Mambo device looks like a mobile phone and can be carried by lone workers, allowing them to make calls or alert help if they require it.  With panic alarm, man down motion detector e.g. if a lone worker has had a fall and pin point outdoor and indoor tracking features it is suitable for a wide range of workers.  In addition for extra protection, by discretely pressing a button the device can silently monitor conversations the lone worker has when in a threatening situation.  It also integrates up to five communication options, including text messaging, system-wide IEEE 802.15.4 for communication with a keyfob/internal building tracking, Bluetooth for hands free communication, and ANT (*) for heart rate monitoring.  Additionally the portable device is IP65 rated for use outdoors.

The device links to tracking software, which enables real time reporting of GPS signals and other alert information that can be automatically text or emailed to preconfigured numbers and email addresses.  So for example, managers and colleagues know in real time from the software when a lone worker has strayed into certain areas at specified times of the day and night, when they weren’t planning to do so.  The device and software can also produce timesheet information to improve future planning and reduce administration.

The lone worker device and software is aimed at a wide range of personnel from field technicians and hospital workers to community care workers, teaching staff, maintenance technicians, garage forecourt and retail personnel.
