What are the top software development mistakes to avoid?

Developing software in logistics can be very tricky and prone to errors, so here are some classic mistakes to avoid.

1. Use software experts or risk poor requirements interpretation

Make sure you use content experts and consultants that learn to understand your logistics subject matter quickly, as this will speed up the software development and will be more likely to interpret your requirements correctly.

2. Spend enough time completing business analysis or pay the consequences

Use business analysis expertise that will help to determine your business requirements and technical needs upfront.  Without understanding this early on you will incur greater expense and under more pressure to hit time deadlines.

3. Fail to plan, plan to fail, especially the testing

Make time to test the software and formally conduct different types of test to ensure the software is ready.  We’ve seen logistics software projects come unstuck because testing phases have been cut short or by-passed.

4. Use a methodology or your suffer from a disjointed approach

No matter whether your adding a warehouse management system enhancement or implementing RFID tracking use a methodology to complete the project.  It makes sure plans and processes are not cut short and you increase the chances of getting delivered what you need.

5. Understand the hardware or the software will fail to work with it

From hardware platforms to GPS tracking devices, bar code scanners, data capture devices and mobile readers, make sure you understand the hardware you require and that will need to be used with the solution.  Otherwise your software will fail to work with it.